Here are some news and updates about SPARK 

EVENTS : Everything is ON ! The events are finally starting, and we are excited to see athletes compete. You can see all the events on our website or follow us on Instagram posts. Come and talk to our TEAM SPARK (Gen, Jeff or Kim), ask questions, buy products and taste our HYDRATION PRO flavors and NEW GELS  ! 



GELS : We are actually producing, so that's an AWESOME news ! 


BEET, PRO ELITE & PICKLE JUICE : You can buy all those products in stores. We have many retailers around Quebec and Gatineau. DM us on Facebook and we'll let you know where to go, depending on your location.

TRIATHLON QUEBEC, DISCOVERY & UTHC BOXES : The new boxes are finally here ! TQ box is available on your registry form, with MS1. You will be able to buy all the boxes on our website AUGUST 16th. The boxes contains GELS, HYDRATION PRO products, RECOVERY products, the scoop, and infos on how to use everything during your next race ! 

For any questions, you can write to info@sparksportsnutrition.com. Want to get a quick reply ? Come and talk to us on FACEBOOK & Instagram.